Happy 15th Birthday!
This is a student whom Acts 2:42 Ministries has worked with for four years. His family moved from Peru. He spoke very little English...
Back to school
It has been 3 weeks at the new job. Right now it has been professional development and getting the school COVIDIZED for student arrival...
Free Resource Ideas?
Acts 2:42 Ministries is getting ready to do another Google Adwords campaign. The first one went well with a lot of help from Tongchan...
Biblical Community
The community where Acts 2:42 Ministries is located is great. In just the last week, neighbors mowed each other’s lawns, meals were...
Google AdWords
Thank you to Tongchan Boonyapataro for all her help with Google AdGrants. Google AdGrants is the non-profit version of Google AdWords. ...