2020 SummaryActs 2:42 Ministries had a great 2020 despite everything that happened last year. To see the summary of 2020 and plans for 2021 please click the link for the pdf below. https://254deffb-2c26-4461-8fb3-c708f8dbb8b1.filesusr.com/ugd/bbcb4e_e55a6b0c38444af3a675ee65cd45d652.pdf
Acts 2:42 Ministries had a great 2020 despite everything that happened last year. To see the summary of 2020 and plans for 2021 please click the link for the pdf below. https://254deffb-2c26-4461-8fb3-c708f8dbb8b1.filesusr.com/ugd/bbcb4e_e55a6b0c38444af3a675ee65cd45d652.pdf