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Possible Relocation?

Update on job search:

So, after weeks of nothing, I had two job interviews in the Cleveland area for the same type of job I had at Euclid schools (Title 1 tutor). They both require 2nd interviews and I haven’t heard anything yet.

Today I have a phone interview with the Salvation Army as a youth manager. However, it is in Chicago. Why Chicago? 13 years ago I felt God nudging me to consider Chicago. I also felt this 6-7 years ago. Both times I stayed in Cleveland. However, with the job layoff I figured I’d look again. I am also interested in a leadership role. I would like to pass on my education experience to others so more students can be successful. Doing this in a Biblical context is a bonus with the Salvation Army. In my two interviews last week I expressed a willingness to lead in some capacity.

Moving to Chicago would mean ending Acts 2:42 Ministries ( This would be a very difficult decision. It is a job to serve the people here and there could be many more fruitful years. I thank those that have faithfully prayed and donated.

I appreciate your prayers as I continue to interview and discern what opportunity God has for me next.

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